Oct 22, 2024 · The US is the most car-oriented society in the world: Most urban structure was developed in a way that living without a car is nearly impossible ...
This chapter focuses on innovative field research methodologies developed over the last few decades that have the potential to support and promote more ...
Jun 21, 2024 · The gradual development of both computational capacity and underlying behavioural patterns in microscopic traffic simulators opens the door for ...
The dialectics of nearness and distance. Abstract. Carsten Gertz, Sven Altenburg Chances and risks of rising transport costs for urban and regional ...
The main objective of this article is to reflect on the structure of the mobility and transport research landscape in Germany.
The conceptual openness of a scientific approach to sustainable mobility and transport challenges societies, politics and the sciences.
This project investigates negotiation processes between civil society and public actors in mobility experiments that test a redistribution of street space.
Seminar C, Discovering local transport plans and road traffic reduction ; 2000 ; Cambridge. Published in: Discovering local transport plans and road traffic ...
Dec 6, 2016 · Several studies based on simulations for the cities of Singapore, Lisbon, and Stuttgart deal with how deploying autonomous vehicles would affect ...
Gertz, Carsten: Umsetzungsprozesse in der Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung. Die Strategie der kurzen Wege. — Berlin 1998. In: Institut für Straßen- und ...