Eriospermum kiboense from
Part of a series of volumes on the flora of tropical East Africa, this text covers the Eriospermaceae family.
Eriospermum kiboense from
... Eriospermum burchellii Baker , 6 Eriospermum elatum Baker , 6 Eriospermum erectum Suess . , 6 Eriospermum flecki Schinz , 6 Eriospermum heterophyllum Cufod . , 4 Eriospermum junodii Baker , 3 Eriospermum kiboense K. Krause , 6 Eriospermum ...
Eriospermum kiboense from
... Eriospermum burchellii Baker , 6 Eriospermum elatum Baker , 6 Eriospermum erectum Suess . , 6 Eriospermum flecki Schinz , 6 Eriospermum heterophyllum Cufod . , 4 Eriospermum junodii Baker , 3 Eriospermum kiboense K. Krause , 6 Eriospermum ...
Eriospermum kiboense from
... Eriospermum burchellii Baker , 6 Eriospermum elatum Baker , 6 Eriospermum erectum Suess . , 6 Eriospermum fleckii Schinz , 6 Eriospermum heterophyllum Cufod . , 4 Eriospermum junodii Baker , 3 Eriospermum kiboense K. Krause , 6 Eriospermum ...
Eriospermum kiboense from
... Eriospermum kiboense . A Tuber and leaf . B Leaf , face view . C Peduncle with bract . D Inflores- cence . E , F Flower . G Outer tepal ( left ) and inner tepal ( right ) with stamens . H Pistil . ( Perry 1994 ) capense and E ...
Eriospermum kiboense from
... Eriospermum kiboense n . sp . , R. stenophylla Krause n . Krause n . sp .; Dipcadi graci- sp . , R. Schlechteri Krause n . sp . , lipes Krause n . sp .; Scilla Jae- R. conferta Krause n . sp .; Scin- geri Krause n . sp .; Ornithogalum ...