PhD in economics, regional economist, my research is about: High speed rail and local economic development in Europe and in developing and emerging countries.
PhD in economics, regional economist, my research is about: High speed rail and local economic development in Europe and in developing and emerging ...
In this study we develop an integrated econometric and CGE modelling framework for transport projects and transport policies at the European level by ...
Policies facilitating increased private investment financing for high-impact, sustainable infrastructure projects.
22Finally, Marie Delaplace, Francesca Pagliara, and Andrea La Pietra analyse the impact of HSR in tourists' destination choice considering two theme parks, ...
By analyzing the arrival of a High-Speed Rail Service (HSRS) in a territory as a service innovation (Delaplace, 2009) that can give birth to complementary ...
Mar 6, 2023 · Delaplace M., Dobruszkes F. Editorial: Thinking beyond the Cost-Benefit Analysis: The Wider Impact of High-Speed Rail on Local Development.
Mar 23, 2023 · Marie Delaplace received a PhD (1994) and an “Habilitation ŕ diriger les recherches”. (2009) in Economics. Since 2011, she has been Professor in ...
Jun 4, 2019 · Marie Delaplace · Publisher: RePEc: Research Papers in Economics · Publication Date: Sep 1, 2011 · Publication Name: RePEc: Research Papers in ...
Apr 4, 2023 · Marie Delaplace received a PhD (1994) and an “Habilitation ŕ diriger les recherches” (2009) in Economics. Since 2011, she has been Professor in ...