1770 - 2 executions. S 10 March, Daniel Hitchcock, Highway robbery, F 6 April. " John Hull, Highway robbery, F 6 April. 1771 - No death sentences or executions.
The authorities were convinced the three had committed many more robberies in Huntingdonshire. In January 1770, they advertised for anyone who had been robbed ...
Abstract: This article will examine members of the armed forces in eighteenth-century. Britain who stood trial for committing the crime of highway robbery ...
Hitchcock, Daniel Highway robbery. Death Huntingdon 2 Apr. 167 Recorder … Tables: January - December 1771. Calendar of Home Office Papers (George III).
19 " … Tables: January - December 1770. Calendar of Home Office Papers (George III) … and Adams, B. Hitchcock, Daniel Highway robbery. Death Huntingdon 2 Apr ...
The Street Robber and the Gentleman Highwayman: Changing Representations and Perceptions of Robbery in London, 1690-1800 · Abstract · No full-text available.
Highway robbery, F 22 March. " Adam Brice, Highway robbery, F 22 March. " James Till (17), Stole in dwelling house, F 26 April. 1755 - 3 executions. W 5 March ...
... theft: highway robbery (including street robbery) and burglary/housebreaking. Highway robbery raised especial anxiety and fear since both property and ...
There were reports of serious and threatening crimes which had recently occurred (especially murders and highway robberies); accounts of criminal suspects who ...
Hadon, aka Haydon, Haidon, was originally convicted with Simon Burn for highway robbery and stealing 39s on 11 August 1783. Hadon was part of the ...