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New articles related to this author's research ... Artificial intelligence empowered emails classifier for Internet of Things based systems in industry 4.0.
In modern manufacturing systems and under Industry 4.0, Web-based solutions are often used to interface manufacturing process monitoring, management, and supply ...
Artificial intelligence empowered emails classifier for Internet of Things based systems in industry 4.0. BB Gupta, A Tewari, I Cvitić, D Peraković, X Chang.
In this research, XSS attacks are analyzed to understand how they work and as a basis for attack simulation. The simulation was done using BeEF XSS framework.
The research is focused on three areas: Ecosystem, New technologies and Digital culture [7]. Source publication.
Ivan Cvitić is an academic researcher from University of Zagreb. The author has contributed to research in topics: Computer science & Industry 4.0.
Modeling the Purchase Process of the InnIoTShop Solution in a Store Environment · End Users and Industry 4.0 Systems Cyber Resilience from XSS Attacks.
Approaches and Opportunities of Using Machine Learning Methods in Telecommunications and Industry 4.0 · Ivan Cvitić,Aleksandar Jevremovic,Petre Lameski.
List of computer science publications by Ivan Cvitic.
Oct 13, 2023 · This research presents machine learning methods and the possibilities of their use in the areas of telecommunications and Industry 4.0. With ...