Keechoo CHOI | PhD | Ajou University, Seoul | Research profile › Ajou University
Keechoo CHOI, Director, National Sustainable Transportation Engineering Research ... transportation planning and travel demand forecasting modeling processes.
This research reaffirms a sustainable transport investment should go forward in a way that enforces consistent economic growth while maintaining environmental ...
His specialties include travel demand forecasting, travel time estimation for intelligent transportation systems, sustainable transportation that considers ...
학력 ; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Transportation Planning ; Seoul National University. Master of Engineering - MEng ...
May 24, 2019 · His specialities include travel demand forecasting, travel time estimation for ITS and C-ITS, sustainable transportation with environmental ...
This research reaffirms a sustainable transport investment should go forward in a way that enforces consistent economic growth while maintaining environmental ...
This paper suggests the concept of bicycle-based TOD (B-TOD) and estimates the spatial extent, considering the catchment area. For this, a trip survey was ...
This special issue is based on articles selected from the 5th China-Korea Joint Seminar on Sustainable Transportation System (CKJSSTS) held in Daejeon, ...
Oct 31, 2022 · Prof. Keechoo Choi · Published: 31 October 2022 in Sustainability · Published: 08 June 2021 in International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
Sustainable Transportation for Green Growth (녹색성장을 위한 지속가능한 교통체계). 13:30- Registration. Overall presiding by Dr. Keechoo Choi, Ajou University.