... Astragalus L. 2011 ; Mozaffarian , 2013 ) . Alhagi maurorum Medik . var . maurorum Alhagi maurorum Medik . var . maurorum ( syn : Alhagi camelorum Fisch . ) is a perennial shrub with a height of 40- 80 cm , without fluff and green ...
... Maurorum ) ; Astragalus glycyphyllus has a sweet juice . The tuberous roots of Dolichos tuberosus and bulbosus , Apios , Pueraria , and Lathyrus tuberosus are eaten in the same way as potatoes . Among the purgative species are Bladder ...
... maurorum manna - Astragalus brachycalyx, Fraxinus ornus Persian manna - Astragalus brachycalyx manna ash - Fraxinus ornus manna-ask - Fraxinus ornus Manna-Esche - Fraxinus ornus manna grass American manna grass - Glyceria grandis ...
... maurorum community type A. maurorum ( cumulative ) is a widespread plant in Egypt as it occurs in all of the ... Astragalus spinosus , etc. give the impression of a non - halophytic ( glycophytic ) community . 14. Halimione ...
... maurorum (287) Astragalus acinaciferus (292) A. bombycinus (106, 173, 235, 294, 318, 445) A. corrugatus (404) A. deinacanthus (446, 480) A. guttatus (430, 438) A. hamosus (212) A. spinosus (25,84) A. trachoniticus (160, 363) A ...