Aristea bakeri from
... Aristea africana, 98, 189, 191 Aristea alata, 20 Aristea anceps, 100 Aristea bakeri, plate 4 Aristea bicolor, plate 5 Aristea biflora, 64, 100, 101 Aristea cantharophila, 100 Aristea capitata, 99, 104, plate 6 Aristea cistiflora, 100 ...
Aristea bakeri from
... Aristea Bakeri was described in August 1892 by BAKER under the name of A. paniculata , but that name must yield place to the somewhat older homonym A. paniculata PAX ( April 1892 ) , the latter employed in the present work as a synonym ...
Aristea bakeri from
... Aristea bakeri Klatt Robust pererinial to 1'm , with cylindrical , usually well - branched stems and sarrow , fibrous leaves , and blue flowers , 20-25 mm in diameter , with a simple style ; the spathes dry and rusty brown with ...
Aristea bakeri from
... Aristea glauca has flattened , 2 - winged stems that are not as highly branched . 6 Aristea bakeri J FMAMJJASOND Robust perennial to 1 m.
Aristea bakeri from
... Aristea racemosa . Similar features are found in several other groups and ... Bakeri ( map WEIMARCK 1940 a , p . 131 ) ensifolia ( map 1. c . , p . 129 ) ... Aristea Bakeri , A. ensifolia , Cliffortia charis , R. leptoclados , R ...
Aristea bakeri from
... 9: Optional routes The walks on the higher reaches of Table Mountain and the ascents of Devil's Peak, Grootkop and Lion's Head are shown in red on the map. CM Up Devil's Peak, with blue Aristea bakeri, yellow Bobaria.
Aristea bakeri from
... (Aristea bakeri), vleiblommetjie (Micranthus junceus) and Pelargonium carneum in flower as you make your way up the sandstone slope. You cross a railway line (1) (which is still in use) before reaching an old tar road (2), where you turn ...