"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis Mez. (Lauraceae). MSc. Thesis, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil (in Brazilian Portuguese with English summary) Catarina SC, Randi AM & Viana AM (2003) Growth and accumulation of ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis : An Endangered Tree of the Mata Atlantica ( S. Brazil ) A. M. VIANA1 and S. H. MANTELL2 ' Departamento de Botânica , Centro de Ciências Biológicas , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , 8840-900 - Florianópolis ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis . Viscous oil . [ a ] 21 +6 ( c , 1 in MeOH ) . Possesses ( 1R * , 3R * , 4R * , 7′R * , 8'S * ) - config . due to change in Cahn - Ingold - Prelog priorities 2,4 - Diketone , 3 ' , 4 ' - methylene , 3,5 - di- Me ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis. The genus Ocotea is important not only for the production of essential oils but also for the production of lignans and neolignans with cytotoxic effects against tumour cells. Phytochemical studies carried out on ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis . Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 90 : 93–101 . Satofuka , H. , Fukui , T. , Takagi , M. , Atomi , H. and Imanaka , T. 2001. Metal - binding properties of phytochelatin - related peptides . Journal of Inorganic ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis Populus sps . Citrus sps . Oil palm , Date palm Kiwi Santalum album Walnut Castanea dentata Robinia pseudoacacia Liquidambar styraciflua Malus pumila Hoheria angustifolia The maintenance of somatic embryogenic ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis] Com muito esforço carregamos até o local, serramos com a serra ou usando machados e enxó, desbastamos para usá-los como material de construção. Para a parede partimos a juçara [espécie de palmiteiro—Euterpe edulis] ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis 717 Malus domestica 773 718 Malus malus 774 719 Malus pumila 720 Malus sylvestris 776 Oleo glandulifera 721 Mangifera spp 777 722 Mangifera indica 778 Officinale spp Okoumea klaineana 775 Olea europaea Olneya tesota ...
"Ocotea catharinensis" from
... Ocotea catharinensis : an endangered tree of Mata Atlantica ( S. Brazil ) . In : Jain SM , Gupta P , Newton R ( eds ) Somatic embryogen- esis in woody plants . Kluwer , Dordrecht , pp 3-30 Wadt LHO ( 2001 ) Estrutura genética de ...