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A Survey of Electric Power and Light Companies of the United ...
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... 9,749,130 $ 2,356,382 $ 1,214,888 8,279,662 4,331,174 17,442,000 5,172,992 1,932,368 951,700 2,100,000 None 676,000 713,784 272,493 41,272 100,000 shs . 60,000 shs . T 1,500,000 5,966,900 12,290,000 13,046,000 2,973,964 * * 3,887,348 ...
The Bonbright Survey of Electric Power and Light Companies ...
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... 9,749,130 $ 2,356,382 $ 1,214,888 8,279,662 4,331,174 17,442,000 5,172,992 ‡ 1,932,368 ‡ 951,700 2,100,000 None 676,000 713,784 272,493 41,272 100,000 shs . 60,000 shs . 1,500,000 5,966,900 * 12,290,000 3,887,348 1,642,838 † 719,500 ...
The Bonbright Survey of Electric Power and Light Companies ...
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... 9,749,130 $ 2,356,382 $ 1,214,888 8,279,662 4,331,174 17,442,000 5,172,992 ‡ 1,932,368 ‡ 951,700 2,100,000 None 676,000 + 713,784 + 272,493 41,272 100,000 shs . 60,000 shs . * 1,500,000 12,290,000 3,887,348 * 1,642,838 + 719,500 ...
Marine Engineer and Motorship Builder
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... 9,749,130 12,217,986 3,559 10,866,401 6,890,094 8,698,777 7,712,023 66,981,000 83,422,101 74,452,436 Per - centage of Flags : - British 74.42 76.47 72.52 German 8.11 7.56 8.20 French 4.99 4.07 4.89 Dutch 4.25 3:49 4.97 2.57 2.76 2.08 ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, ...
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... 9,749,130 2,679,360 1895 3434 11,833,637 3,124,149 1896 3409 12,039,859 3,182,800 1897 2986 11,123,403 2,913,222 1898 3503 12,962,632 3,411,791 1899 3607 13,815,992 3,652,751 In 1899 these totals had arisen to : inland , 20,758,000 ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica ...: A Dictionary of Arts, ...
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... 9,749,130 2,679,360 1895 3434 11,833,637 3,124,149 1896 3409 12,039,859 3,182,800 1897 2986 11,123,403 2,913,222 1898 3503 12,962,632 3,411,791 1899 3607 13,815,992 3,652,751 3,702,800 23,336,800 In 1899 these totals had risen to ...
The New Volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: ...
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... 9,749,130 2,679,360 1895 3434 11,833,637 3,124,149 1896 3409 12,039,859 3,182,800 1897 2986 11,123,403 2,913,222 1898 3503 12,962,632 3,411,791 1899 3607 13,815,992 3,652,751 Total 19,634,000 3,702,800 23,336,800 In 1899 these totals ...
Der Wettbewerbsprozess: ein Praxishandbuch
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... 9749130 HO1L 23/498 9748723 C07K 9748836 C23C 16/26 9748967 F42D 1/00 9749134 HO1L 29/786 9748725 C07K 7/06 9748840 D01F 6/60 9748968 G01B 11/24 9749137 HO1M 6/18 9748727 C07K 14/31 9748841 D02G 3/22 9748972 G01H 15/06 9749139 H01M 10 ...
The New Volumes of the EncyclpÆedia Britannica: ...
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... 9,749,130 2,679,360 1895 3434 11,833,637 3,124,149 1896 3409 12,039,859 3,182,800 1897 2986 11,123,403 2,913,222 1898 3503 12,962,632 3,411,791 1899 3607 13,815,992 3,652,751 563,800 3,702,800 23,336,800 In 1899 these totals had arisen ...
Some Considerations Regarding Recent Trade Policy in Brazil
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... 9,749,130 66.576,347 197,804 111,595.049 205,540,753 302,994,841 379,201,581 611,662,424 1,165,572,854 880,915,967 975,225,457 1,019,935,298 1,245,909,784 10.543.329 1.268.143 92,074 2,131,566 E. Current Transactions ( C + 0 ) ...