
Learn to pronounce ask

  1. say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
    "people are always asking questions"
    synonyms: inquire (of), query, want to know, question, put a question to, interrogate, quiz, cross-question, cross-examine, catechize, grill, pump, give the third degree to, put, put forward, pose, raise, submit, propose, seek/get the answer to
  2. request (someone) to do or give something.
    "Mary asked her father for money"
    synonyms: request, demand, appeal to, apply to, petition, call on, entreat, beg, implore, exhort, urge, enjoin, importune, pray, solicit, beseech, plead with, sue, supplicate, seek, put in for, call for, crave
  3. invite (someone) to one's home or a function.
    "it's about time we asked Pam to dinner"
    synonyms: invite, bid, have someone over, summon

a request, especially for a donation.
"it was an awkward ask for more funding"

People also ask
1. a : to call on for an answer She asked him about his trip. b : to put a question about asking her opinion c : speak, utter ask a question.
5 days ago · ASK meaning: 1. to put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone: 2. to consider something…. Learn more.
1. to say or write something to someone as a way of gaining information : to request an answer to a question
Ask is a verb that means to present a question to someone, to request something, or to invite someone. Ask has several other senses as a verb and a noun.
10 senses: 1. to put a question (to); request an answer (from) 2. to inquire about 3. to direct or put (a question) 4. to make.
Aug 29, 2024 · verb. ˈask. Definition of ask. as in to interrogate. to put a question or questions to my coworkers asked me all about my trip to Machu Picchu.
To ask is to pose a question or request something. If you say "What time is lunch?", then you're asking a question.
ask (somebody) (about somebody/something) to say or write something in the form of a question, in order to get information.
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to say something to someone as a question that you want them to answer: [ + two objects ] Can I ask you a few questions? I asked him about his hobbies.
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definition 1: to put a question to. He asked me if I had any money. synonyms: inquire of, query, question similar words: grill, interrogate, quiz. definition 2: