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SASEBO GLORY (IMO: 9740823) is a Bulk Carrier and is sailing under the flag of Cyprus. Her length overall (LOA) is 229 meters and her width is 38 meters.
SASEBO GLORY (IMO 9740823, MMSI 212403000) ist Bulk Carrier. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Cyprus. Es wurde gebaut in 2016.
Details for the ship Sasebo Glory , IMO 9740823, Cargo Ship, Position Korea Strait with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltracker.com.
Das Schiff SASEBO GLORY (IMO: 9740823, MMSI: 212403000) ist Cargo Es segelt unter der Flagge [CY] Cyprus. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zur ...
The vessel SASEBO GLORY (IMO: 9740823, MMSI 212403000) was built in 2016 (8 years old) and is currently sailing under the flag of Cyprus.
Current name: SASEBO GLORY. Current flag: Cyprus. Home port: Limassol. Callsign: 5BMA4. IMO: 9740823. MMSI: 212403000. Status: In Service.
Where is the current position of SASEBO GLORY presently? Vessel SASEBO GLORY is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Cyprus. Her IMO number is 9740823 and ...
SASEBO GLORY (IMO: 9740823) is a Bulk Carrier and is sailing under the flag of Cyprus. Her length overall (LOA) is 229 meters and her width is 38 meters.
14.05.2024 · 9740823. Official No. : IMO 9740823. Signal Letters : 5BMA4. Flag : Cyprus. Port of Registry : Limassol. Ship's Name : SASEBO GLORY. Former Name ...
SASEBO GLORY - Schiffsdaten, Foto und letzte 5 Zielhäfen (IMO 9740823) - Bulk Carrier.