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QAMUTIK (IMO 9081289, MMSI 316013075) ist General Cargo Ship. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Canada. Es wurde gebaut in 1994.
QAMUTIK (IMO: 9081289) is a General Cargo and is sailing under the flag of Canada. Her length overall (LOA) is 136 meters and her width is 19 meters.
QAMUTIK is a General cargo vessel built in 1994 by FRISIAN SHIPBUILDING WELGELEGEN - HARLINGEN, NETHERLANDS. Currently sailing under the flag of Netherlands.
QAMUTIK, IMO 9081289 ; Flag, Netherlands ; Call sign, PDUJ ; MMSI, 244262000 ; Vessel type, General Cargo Ship ; Year of build, 1994.
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship QAMUTIK (IMO 9081289, Callsign PDUJ, MMSI 244262000)
The "Qamutik" suffered a main engine failure in pos 71 53.98 N 080 54.633 W, in the vicinity of Assomption Harbour, on Oct 19, 2018. It left the Seven Islands ...
QAMUTIK IMO 9081289. ex EDISONGRACHT - loading yachts alongside at Southampton 30 Dec 2014. This vessel has swapped names several times back and forth for ...
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship Qamutik (IMO 9081289, Callsign PDUJ, MMSI 244262000)
08.08.2024 · This is a fun quiz. We're identifying the vessel as QAMUTIK (9081289). The Inuktitut name is written to the right of her last three letters.
Vessel QAMUTIK (IMO: 9081289 & MMSI: 244262000) is a MULTI-PURPOSE and was built in 1994. Version 1 was registered in NETHERLANDS and is owned by TRANS ...