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LADA (IMO 9749130, MMSI 511101480) ist Chemical/Oil Products Tanker. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Palau. Es wurde gebaut in 2016.
LADA (IMO: 9749130) is a Oil/Chemical Tanker and is sailing under the flag of Palau. Her length overall (LOA) is 139.9 meters and her width is 16.94 meters.
Details for the ship Lada , IMO 9749130, Tankship, Position Aegean Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship Lada (IMO 9749130, Callsign UBUO4, MMSI 273385070)
LADA (IMO: 9749130) is a Oil/Chemical Tanker and is sailing under the flag of Palau. Her length overall (LOA) is 139.9 meters and her width is 16.94 meters.
Details and realtime position for the vessel LADA with MMSI 273385070, IMO 9749130 that is registered in [RU] Russia.
LADA last position is 39 N, 27 E heading to Piraeus. TRACK ON MAP...
"LADA" has just left the port ogf Riga and is heading to the Baltic sea - 04.07.2019. IMO: 9749130. MMSI: 273385070. Vessel particulars.
LADA IMO 9749130 Chemical/Oil Products Tanker Risk Report. Simplified vessel risk rating reports for clearer decision making. Free subscription available.
Where is the current position of LADA presently? Vessel LADA is a tanker ship sailing under the flag of Russian Federation. Her IMO number is 9749130 and ...