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SEGULA (IMO: 9210323) is a General Cargo and is sailing under the flag of Liberia. Her length overall (LOA) is 107.71 meters and her width is 18.2 meters.
SEGULA (IMO 9210323, MMSI 636024210) ist General Cargo Ship. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Liberia. Es wurde gebaut in 2001.
IMO number, 9210323. MMSI, 236685000. Name of the ship, GREEN PEARL. Former names, BOW DIAMOND (2021) ATLANTIC CARRIER (2016) BBC PERU (2011) BBCPERU (2009).
Details for the ship Segula , IMO 9210323, Cargo Ship, Position Russia with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship GREEN PEARL (IMO 9210323, Callsign YLGP, MMSI 275536000)
The vessel GREEN PEARL (IMO: 9210323, MMSI: 236685000) is a General Cargo that was built in 2001 ( 23 years old ). It's sailing under the flag of [GI] Gibraltar ...
GREEN PEARL, IMO 9210323 ; MMSI, 236685000 ; Vessel type, General Cargo Ship ; Year of build, 2001 ; Operating status, In Service/Commission (since 29/06/2009).
29.03.2020 · Bow Diamond - IMO 9210323 ; Type. Multi-purpose dry cargo ship - Equipped for carriage of containers - Strengthened for heavy cargo ; IMO-number.
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship BBC PERU (IMO 9210323, Callsign YLGP, MMSI 275536000)
The vessel GREEN PEARL (IMO: 9210323, MMSI 236685000) was built in 2001 (23 years old) and is currently sailing under the flag of Latvia. Specifications ...