I need to do a project with a CMS but dont' want it to look like the rest? Which is most customizable and best all-around? 1) Movable Type 2) Mamboserver
I'm in need of finding a easy to use and set up content management platform on MT's servers via FTP... Thought I'd ask around. Any thoughts?? brandaddy.
What are the best options these days? I'm building a site that's going to be like a wiki or archive of information. It needs to have good content editing ...
I am looking for a really simple to use CMS that allows you to define content areas in an existing page for a client to edit. Any suggestions for any open ...
Expression Engine is really flexible, easy to design the front end however you want. If you can't understand Expression Engine you shouldn't be making websites.
Anybody know of a video on demand CMS? Video Integration (Flash-Streaming, wmv -download) Video presentation (uploading, inserting meta-tags, screenshots) One- ...
Django isn't just a CMS but a whole web development framework. In other words your comparison would not be Wordpress and Expression Engine but Ruby on Rails or ...
The Mambo developers got pissed off about coding methodologies and formed a splinter group called Joomla, taking the existing code with them.
Is it the IT department demanding it? Is it a non-profit/educational/govt client who has a LOT of .NET stuff already? Is it your developer? Does the CMS have to ...
What do you mean by "flexible" exactly? As for designing around I lean towards sNews and Textpattern. The first because it's really really user friendly to ...