The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) was a draft agreement negotiated in secret between members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and ...
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The MAI would establish a comprehensive framework for treatment of foreign investment. It would allow countries to take exceptions to some MAI obligations (such ...
At present, companies making cross-border investments are confronted with a vast array of different legal frameworks as they consider where to invest.
Wishing to establish a broad multilateral framework for international investment with high standards for the liberalisation of investment regimes and ...
Sep 25, 2015 ˇ BITs and MITs protection should be considered where your investment involves a heavily regulated industry or agreements directly with a foreign state.
The proposed MAI would legally limit how and when nations, states or communities can set investment policy. The MAI would require “national treatment” for all ...
The MAI sought to establish a new body of universal investment laws that would guarantee corporations unconditional rights to buy, sell and do financial ...
An international investment agreement made between several countries and containing provisions to protect investments made by individuals and companies in ...
Jan 6, 2024 ˇ This blog post intends to analyze the feasibility of multilateral investment treaty (MIT) negotiations.
Despite the failure of the. Seattle Ministerial, the British government and the European Commission continue to favour the adoption of multilateral investment ...
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