Dec 4, 2000 · DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER - "Don't judge things by their appearance only. Originated in the United States. First attested in the journal ' ...
T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER ? ?Don?t judge things by their appearance only. Originated in the United States. First attested in the journal ?American Speech? .
Origin of "Never judge a book by its cover" - the meaning and origin of this phrase.
3 days ago · Never Judge a Book by Its Cover Cross Your Bridges when You Come to Them contradicts. Forewarned is Forearmed Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady
Never judge a book by its cover; Save it for the judge; The Life And Times Of ... Never judge a book by its cover; Nice try; Objection overruled; Objection ...
Knock the cover off the ball (A baseball expression meaning succeed beyond expectation); Never judge a book by its cover; Run for cover; The Bandstand Cover ...
Knock the cover off the ball (A baseball expression meaning succeed beyond expectation); Never judge a book by its cover; Run for cover; The Bandstand Cover ...
never judge a book by its cover site:www.phrases.org.uk from www.phrases.org.uk
Let me not judge anyone until I have walked a mile in his moccasins; Never judge a book by its cover; Save it for the judge; The Life And Times Of Judge Roy ...
Never judge a book by its cover; Nice try; Objection overruled; Objection sustained; Order in the court; Pass sentence; Pepsi - for those who think young ( ...