Aug 14, 2009 · Tim Montgomerie has an interesting post headlined "Which is more influential, Newsnight or Today"? He says he never turns down a slot on the ...
Aug 29, 2008 · Weisberg is himself displaying a kind of racism. It's like saying if English people don't vote for Gordon Brown it proves they hate the Scots.
Jan 4, 2009 · This is a Google Ad being run on right of centre websites and blogs by the Metropolitan Police. I wonder if they are also running ones ...
Jan 18, 2009 · While stitching up the hand of a 75 year old Devon farmer, who cut it on a gate while working cattle, the rural doctor struck up a ...
Feb 15, 2010 · "This is exactly the sort of politics that voters are so sick of. This morning, David Cameron and I set out why people should vote ...
Sep 7, 2008 · When I saw the front page headline in today's Mail on Sunday, I thought to myself: 'I bet that's Ivan Lewis'. The headline was MINISTER: I'M ...
Nov 26, 2008 · Was it her billowing evening dressed in which she presented THAT'S LIFE? Who knows, but as I watched her this evening on I'M A CELEBRITY buried ...
Aug 14, 2009 · The fact that he dared to criticise what has become a hallowed British institution on foreign soil has not gone down well with David Cameron and ...
Sep 19, 2009 · He sure knows how to give good interview. You can read the full interview HERE, but here are a few extracts... What do you think of politicians ...
Nothing has since changed my mind. And then there is Sarah Palin. As regular readers know, when she was chosen I said she would prove to be an inspired choice ...