G.B. Caird, Jesus And The Jewish Nation. The Ethel M. Wood Lecture delivered before the University of London on 9 March 1965. London: The Athlone Press ...
we see the man Jesus living in unity with God. Then in the cross Jesus identifies himself with all mankind, so as to bring them into the same unity with God.
The Old Testament retained its validity for him because in it God had spoken to the fathers, so that those who read it could hear in it the living and abiding ...
George Caird has shown, Luke is fond of doing just that, for by the use of the simple phrase "behold, two men" Luke makes clear a connection between the ...
J.A. Baird, "The holy word: the history and function of the teachings of Jesus in the theology and praxis of the early church," New Testament Studies 33 ...
Article in Journal or Book, George Caird, "The ... A.D.A. Moses, Matthew's Transfiguration Story and the Jewish-Christian ... Jesus Christ," Themelios 28.1 (2002): ...
Caird, New Testament Theology (rev. and ed. L. D. Hurst; Oxford: Clarendon,. 1994). 361. 43 George B. Caird, Jesus and the Jewish Nation (London: Athlone, 1965) ...
Wright believes that Jesus' self-identity may be found by examining Jesus against the backdrop of the worldview of Second-Temple Judaism. So Wright.
A consideration of the death of Jesus from the perspectives of the Jewish leaders, the Romans and Jesus' ... 10 The brief G. B. Caird, Jesus and the Jewish.