SDL provides support for 2D pixel operations, sound, file access, event handling, timing and threading. It is often used to complement OpenGL by setting up the ...
A libSDL backend for BlitzMax. SDL.mod leverages libSDL as a replacement for some of the core BlitzMax modules that drive the events and graphics subsystems.
The OpenGL Max2D module provides an SDL-backend OpenGL driver for Max2D.
The SDL modules allow for improved graphics window management, more consistent cross-platform events, and extra functionality such as touch and haptic support, ...
An SDL implementation of a TTimer. ← TSDLTextureTSDLTimer →.
The SDL modules allow for improved graphics window management, more consistent cross-platform events, and extra functionality such as touch and haptic support, ...
An SDL Window. Methods. Method GetDisplay:TSDLDisplay(). Gets the display associated with the window. Returns. Returns the display containing the center of ...
SDL.SDLSystem. Types. Type, Description. TSDLMultiGesture, Information about multiple finger gestures.
This driver is only available if the SDL backend for rendering and events is in use, although it's not specifically required if you are using the SDL backend.